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里约避世岛屿上的 “生态建筑”
文章来源: 管理员 | 添加时间:2021-04-23 丨 阅读次数: 875


L'Oreal research and Innovation Center won archdaily annual Architectural Award - "the best industrial building" was shortlisted.




Restoring Beauty




When L’Oréal set out to build its new Brazilian research center—the first of its kind in Latin America—the company made it clear that the project would need to support breakthrough scientific discoveries while advancing its commitment to sustainability. 




The company opted to locate the center on an island in a polluted bay near central Rio de Janeiro. Our challenge was to design a state-of-the-art, high performance facility that would restore and regenerate the natural environment around it. Which is exactly what we did.



现在,欧莱雅研究与创新中心已然成为创新设计的一个鲜活实例——它既能够支持欧莱雅科学家们的科研工作,又能够治愈并滋养地球。整座建筑在实现“碳中和”的基础上,还扮演着 “绿肺”的角色——从海湾中吸收受污染的海水,过滤并处理后再将干净的水资源输送回海湾。

Today, the center is an example of true design innovation—both in its ability to support the cutting-edge work of L’Oréal scientists and in its capacity to heal and nourish the earth. In addition to being carbon neutral, the entire building acts as a “green lung” infiltration system, taking in contaminated water from the bay, filtering it, and returning it—treated and clean—to the bay. 






Inside, staff thrive in an open, natural light-filled workplace that promotes collision, collaboration, and creativity.



欧莱雅研究与创新中心,执行副总裁 Laurent Attal表示:巴西欧莱雅研究与创新中心设想通过前沿科技、创新的工作方法以及提高使用者在研发过程的参与度来激发创新思维和创造力。

“The Brazil Research & Innovation Center has been conceived to stimulate innovation through the use of technology, new collaborative methods, and the integration of consumers into our innovation process.”

—Laurent Attal, Executive Vice President, Research & Innovation L’Oreal




“Free flowing curves…the curves that I find in the mountains of my country, in the sinuousness of its rivers, in the waves of the oceans, and in the body of the beloved woman… Curves make up the entire universe.”

The words of Oscar Niemeyer, a famous Brazilian architect, inspired the building's distinctive curved design.




The entire site is carbon neutral and designed to meet the Living Building Challenge.The building can be adapted for multiple uses, blurring the lines between workplace and research, and enhancing collaboration and creativity.




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